Ichi - Let's Study

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

 Let’s Study Language , Belajar Bahasa Yuuuk (Japan/ Nihon Go)

This time I want to share my first japanese lecture… hmmm actually it is tooooooooooooo amateur, it just about greeting and same thing like that…

First, when we learn other language always get lecture about greeting so this is time I want to share simple greeting in japanese language ^^V

When we want to say:

Good morning : Ohayou gozaimase (formal), it can just use Ohayou

Good Afternoon Konnichi wa

Good Evening : Konbanwa (how to spelling is  kombangwa)

Good Night:  Oyasuminasai

Good bye : Sayounara

See you : Ja, mata

Hello (in the phone) often use Moshi-moshi, but when say hello or hi in the letter we also can use Konnichiwa.

Simple expression:

Excuse me :  sumimasen

When someone want to permision or same thing like that and we give them permision we can answer it with “Hai, douzo”

Im sorry : gomennasai

Im so sorry :  hontou ni gomennasai

When someone want to sorry because of something or same thing like that and we give them forgive we can say “Iie, daijoubu desu”

Thank you:  doumo arigatou gozaimasu

Your welcome: Iie, doitashimashite



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